Tag Archive: Movie of the Month

Brave Shmave

“Brave” disappointed me. And I had no expectations beyond that it was a Pixar movie. I wanted to like it. There were funny parts. But all-in-all it just left me a feeling best summed up in one word: eh (accompanied by a nose wrinkle and a shoulder shrug). Possible spoilers ahead…

Avengers Minutia

Aside from Scarlett’s ass on the posters, I only had two problems with the Avengers movie and both involved the Hulk. (Not really any spoilers, but this is fair warning.)

Mariachi-lying Owls

I have a beef with Rango. The movie, not the character. I wanted to like this movie. Really, I did. But the mariachi-playing owls ruined it.* Mainly because they lied to me. Twice. They… Continue reading

High School of the Dead

There is a lot of “fan service” if you go for that sort of thing (and at times it is pretty funny), but the plot is decent and the zombies are scary. And until you figure out just who the main characters are, no one is safe.

Zombie Strippers

It’s a quirky, odd film set in the “B movie” style. Social parody mildly entertaining. For an unrated version, not that gory or sexy.